Vasilis Tribute by Alyssa

Created by Alyssa 2 years ago
Thank you for coming to Vasilis very special occasion 

For those that don’t know me I’m Alyssa, Vasilis little sister and for those that do know me will know that my memory isn’t that great but when I’ve been thinking back about my childhood I feel I was truly so so lucky to have Vasilis as my older brother.

Really there are not enough words that I can say to honour you but here’s a little poem I wrote for you…

For my big brother Vasilis, 

You were my brother and my friend,
And with that, we drove each other round the bend,

Competing all the time, against one another,
And when I wasn’t winning, I’d run to our mother,

Pretending to cry, to get my way,
Even after, my foul play,

We’d play all the time, rain or shine,
With the Dixon’s, and Caroline. 

From hide and seek, to knock a door run,
And don’t forget the farmer, with his shotgun,

Looking back, our childhood was golden,
The memories will never fade, even when I’m an olden,

Many summers in Greece, with our cousins,
Eating Gyros and crepes, by the dozens, 

You loved Papous green tractor,
Visiting the farms, was your prime factor, 

For you, adventure was key,
Exploring all around, and under the sea,

We have you to thank for finding the lemon chicken,
So special, it makes us all, finger lick-in

At bury & Elton, wearing swimming caps,
You and Adam in your speedos, doing lots of laps,

Treats after training, on a Friday,
Mum getting us a Maccies, good job it wasn’t everyday,

Your love for food was never ending, 
The fridge was never full enough, even after all our parents spending,

Your obsession with bikes, started very young,
Giving me a backie, I would be clung,

Cycling was your main hobby, 
Even when your wheels were nicked, and you had to phone Bobby, 

Passing your driving test, was a real breeze,
Whizzing round in your golf, putting mum and dad at unease,

You found a house project, in whitefield, 
Taking it back to its bare bricks, you peeled,

Starting from scratch, was a mammoth task,
Though the end result, is absolutely first class,

You and dad working together, for all those long nights,
Grafting hard and getting over, all the little fights,

Your meticulous mind, so creative and precise, 
Researching far beyond the given advice, 

You took pride in yourself, 
Whether it be work, fitness or health, 

At a young age, you became a chartered planner,
I wasn’t surprised by this, due to your driven manner,

You achieved so very much, early in your adulthood
You were always my rolemodel, since my childhood,

You always found the time, supporting me, with job applications,
Getting your red pen out, to help me, reach my aspirations,

Watching Friends, since we were little, 
Time and time again, we did giggle, 

Joey, chandler, pheobe, Rachel, monica and ross,
We shared the same love for them and for those who don’t know, it’s your loss,

You were my card playing buddy,
I know we would have played, until we were old fuddys,

Even playing blackjack, as a famileee,
Putting bets down, with many twenty pees, 

Your shoe collection, so wide and vast 
It’s clear to everyone, your were an enthusiast,

You truly were, one in a million, 
No scrap that, one in a zillion,

So kind, caring and hilarious, 
Making me laugh, with your quick whit, till I was delirious,

For those that you trusted, you let your true character shine,
They were truly honoured, to meet a fellow so divine,

A heart full of gold, with a contagious smile,
You definitely were a catch, with your style,

Your humour stayed with you, until the end,
Even on a bad day, you’d still contend 

Quoting: “take me to infinity and beyond”,
From your favourite toy story, that’s where you wanted to belong,

I don’t want this poem to end, as then I will have to realise,
My sweet loving brother, has risen into the skies,

But please do know when I look at the stars above
I’ll be thinking of you with all my love 

Thank you for being my friend and brother,
I was so lucky, you were like no other,

It truly is so heartbreaking that we will never play together, laugh together or be together in this life again. But I do know Vasilis character will guide me for whatever else life throws my way and our memories will make me laugh and most likely cry but I know one day we’ll be reunited and we can laugh together again. 

Love you to infinity and beyond xxxx